Friday 8 April 2016

Death Penalty: Is It Good or Bad?

Death Penalty: Is It Good or Bad?

“Revenge is a particularly interesting concept, especially the notion of whether or not it exists outside of just an abstract idea”. However, revenge does not taste sweet if it is delayed, similarly, justice delayed is justice denied.

Capital punishment is a controversial and hot topic of discussion among lawyers and common men alike, but it is totally inconclusive whether it provides retaliation or justice.

Death Penalty Can Make Society Free from Criminals

The death penalty is also known as capital punishment and is conceived as a medium for deterring crimes that are eating away at the very vitals of society.

The death penalty is expected to protect society by deterring prospective criminals from perpetrating atrocious crimes ( such as terrorism, rape, and murder) and giving justice to the family members of the victim. 

After all such culprits have no right to live after inflicting torture or killing an innocent person/persons, especially if they have been committing crimes for decades or one after another by violating the IPC ( Indian Penal Code).

It also shows that the judiciary of a country has no mercy for those individuals who are perpetrating heinous crimes or are involved in barbarous acts. 

In India, hanging is the most common method of capital punishment. The IPC can also use shooting as a method to execute criminals.

The advent of scientific methods such as DNA testing in the death penalty gives punishment to the actual wrongdoer and decreases the chances of punishing the guiltless, therefore, capital punishment can be an efficacious means to curb crimes and make a society conducive to peaceful living.

It can also come as a relief to the family members of the victims and decrease their agony to a great extent.

In Western countries, the chopping of legs or hands and even beheading were very much prevalent. Western societies put a high value on the individual and do not inflict severe penalties such as capital punishment on some individuals to teach the rest of the population a lesson about consequences.

In countries like the USA, criminals often take things for granted. They understand that they may be interrogated, detained, arrested, or get a few days or years of imprisonment, and propel the FBI to investigate. The consequences of their actions, a few hours in jail and an FBI file had limited intimidation value.

Mostly in the USA, the death penalty is meant for crimes such as law-breaking, acts of terrorism, spying, armed robbery, assault, felony, federal murder, large-scale drug trafficking, and attempting to shoot down a witness, panelist, or court officer in particular cases. In such cases, capital punishment is handy as it can set a clear warning to others that before committing a crime, they need to think at least 100 times.

Death Penalty Can Fix the Problem of Overcrowding in Jail

Overcrowding in prison can lead to a lack of privacy, exacerbation of mental health problems, increasing violence, struggle for food and shelter, self-destruction, and suicide cases among criminals. In such a case, the death penalty can reduce overcrowding in prison and promote better co-existence among the worst criminals.

The death Penalty Is Often Excruciatingly Time-Consuming and Expensive

The biggest drawback of the death penalty is that it takes too much time for the verdict to be passed on. This is due to the appeals against capital punishments taking too long to adjudicate, and therefore lots of years are squandered.

All these things make the death penalty an expensive affair with the government spending a colossal amount of money on prosecutions. Death penalty cases cost thrice more than non-death penalty cases.

You may think or believe that these costs are post-trial expenditures or costs related to the trials subsequently someone has been found guilty and got a death sentence. Contrary to what you believe most of the surplus expenses happen earlier and throughout the legal proceeding.

The procedure is so expensive that it could severely exhaust the federal, state, and local government budgets and take a toll on them, so it is better to steer clear of it even if it is one of the most heinous crimes in history.

Death Penalty as an Act of Inhumanity

It is inhumane and ethically wrong to give a death sentence to those persons who have committed a crime unintentionally, childishly, or even in a mentally ill state. Such persons may be poor and may not have the means to get legal help or hire a lawyer to defend themselves. 

It is believed that the most atrocious and deadliest crimes are not perpetrated by rational people and most of the time it is done in a mentally ill or unbalanced state. 

Death Penalty Can Be Based on Racial Business

Racial or religious basis can be the yardstick or key factor of verdict regarding the death penalty among many jury members. This can lead to controversy and partiality creating rage in a nation. Most of the time, it can take a violent political turn with the media emphasizing it repeatedly.

Violence, hostility, belligerence, and crime should have zero tolerance in different countries around the world. It’s said that those who tolerate crimes are bigger offenders than criminals themselves.

However, it is still inconclusive whether capital punishment is good or bad and the article attempts to bring up both its positive and negative aspects.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding the death penalty is multifaceted, with proponents arguing its effectiveness in deterring heinous crimes and alleviating societal issues such as overcrowded prisons.

Advocates contend that capital punishment serves as a deterrent to potential criminals and offers a sense of justice to victims' families.

However, critics raise significant concerns about the ethical implications, costs, and potential for racial bias inherent in the death penalty system. The prolonged legal proceedings and exorbitant expenses associated with capital punishment have prompted calls for its abolition in favor of alternative sentencing options.

Moreover, the moral dilemma of executing individuals who may have committed crimes unintentionally or while in a mentally unstable state raises questions about the humanity of capital punishment. The possibility of racial or religious biases influencing verdicts further underscores the need for a comprehensive reevaluation of the death penalty's role in modern justice systems.

Ultimately, the discourse surrounding the death penalty underscores the complexities of justice and morality within society. While some argue for its retention as a tool for deterrence and retribution, others advocate for its abolition in favor of more humane and equitable approaches to criminal justice.

As the debate continues, it remains imperative to critically examine the various implications of capital punishment and strive toward a justice system that upholds fairness, integrity, and respect for human rights.

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