Wednesday 24 July 2013

Guns Or Security Systems?

The New York Times recently published an article on the state of New York’s gun laws. The article describes how the Supreme Court refused to consider a law that would forbid a person from owning a gun unless it was used for protective purposes only.

The Supreme Court has made similar decisions in the past, never restricting the right of people to have guns in their homes.

Guns Or Security Systems?

The issue of gun control is a hot topic in the United States, given the recent acts of gun violence. Most people continue to agree, however, that guns can be beneficial in an individual’s attempts to protect his or her home and family.

As laws like the one from New York have failed to pass, homeowners will continue to have that option. There are certainly violent places in states like New York. Brooklyn for example has significantly more crimes per square mile than the state of New York does on average.

While cities in New York come in at an average of 47 crimes a year per square mile, Brooklyn comes in at a whopping 880. Many would argue that for a place like Brooklyn, the ability to have guns could save lives.

Should you consider a gun for home security?

One of the questions you should ask yourself is, what is the likelihood that I would actually use a gun in the case of a break-in?

Do I live in a dangerous neighborhood? If there is not a good chance you would use the gun, it may be safer to rely on your home security system.

Other questions you must ask yourself are, do I regularly have children in my house? Am I strong enough to protect myself if someone tried to take the gun from me? Do I have a bad temper? Would I actually be willing to pull the trigger? Is there anyone else living in the home that I would not want to be in possession of the gun?

A home security system may work just as well

A security system can’t necessarily harm a burglar who has already entered the home. However, it will discourage a burglar from even trying in the first place.

 Burglars often scan homes looking for those that are easy to enter and that lack security systems altogether. If a burglar does decide to enter a home with a system, an alarm will go off that alerts authorities immediately.

This will likely scare them off before they can do any real damage. Security systems can be much safer than a gun and in most cases, just as effective.

Additional benefits of a security system

A home security system in many ways does a much more thorough job of protecting your home. Strategically placed sensors throughout the home can make it impossible for even the most skilled burglar to enter without setting them off. You also don't have to worry about the home when you are away.

New home security technology actually lets you tap into your security camera’s video feed while you are away. Security systems let you relax when you lay down in bed at night because they do the work for you.

The debate over gun control versus home security systems is multifaceted and deeply ingrained in American society, especially in light of recent acts of gun violence.

The Supreme Court's refusal to consider laws restricting gun ownership reinforces the long-standing tradition of gun rights in the United States.

While guns can offer a means of protection, particularly in areas with high crime rates like Brooklyn, New York, homeowners must carefully consider whether gun ownership is the right choice for them. Questions regarding the likelihood of use, neighborhood safety, and potential risks associated with gun ownership should all be weighed.

In many cases, home security systems offer a viable alternative to guns, providing comprehensive protection and peace of mind without the potential dangers associated with firearm ownership.

Modern security technology offers advanced features such as remote monitoring and instant alerts, making it easier than ever for homeowners to safeguard their properties.

Ultimately, the decision between guns and security systems depends on individual circumstances and preferences. By thoroughly evaluating the risks and benefits of each option, homeowners can make informed choices to ensure the safety of themselves and their families.

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