Friday 22 November 2013

Classifieds for Expats in Dubai And Other Strategies To Land A Job In The Emirate

Classifieds for Expats in Dubai And Other Strategies To Land A Job In The Emirate

Working in Dubai offers several compelling benefits, luring top talents from the world over. For one, the government does not levy taxes on personal income. If you are lucky enough to work for more than two years in the emirate, you can receive a 15% lump sum of your annual salary upon departure. United States citizens also have an exclusion tax break for income earned abroad. But apart from these, many choose to work in Dubai for both professional and career growth.

Among the industries offering lots of career opportunities are tourism, IT, engineering, telecommunications, property and financial services.

While classifieds for expats in Dubai, either online or in print media, is the most common way to land a career in the emirate, there are other ways to find your dream job. Here are but a few of these.

Like it or not, a good deal about job hunting is about whom you know. Rummage through your Rolodex and search for contacts who can point you in a positive direction pertaining to a career in Dubai. Alternatively, you can ask former college buddies if they know about an opening in their organization or know someone who does. Some companies rely on referrals from their current employees when they are looking to fill in positions within the organization. In turn, employees who refer a successful candidate get an incentive, a definite win-win situation for you and your acquaintance.

Facebook may be the king of the social media hill, but if you are a professional, then you need to pay attention to LinkedIn. Apart from helping you establish an online presence for the professional aspect of yourself, this website allows you to add to your network recruiters and decision-makers an organization that may be looking to bring in new talent. If you are actively looking for a job in Dubai or elsewhere, remember not only to update your resume but your LinkedIn profile as well.

Many professionals have managed to land a good job with the aid of a headhunting agency. With their wide network, these agencies can save your efforts in your quest to land a job in the emirate. Do, however, verify first whether the agency you are eyeing to work with is legitimate and has a good track record of getting jobs for applicants.

Whatever method you opt for, remember that job hunting is a serious endeavor that requires both ample preparation and concentrated effort. Do your homework. Update your CV. Manage your expectations. Hope for the best.

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